PTSD Hjælp
The healthcare app to support people with PTSD
In close collaboration with Forskningsenhed og Kompetencecenter for Psykoterapi, Psykoterapeutisk Center Stolpegård, and Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri, Empact developed PTSD Hjælp, an app that supports people with PTSD.

Providing help when alone
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. The institutions above are all research units for psychotherapy in Denmark.
In a close partnership with scientists and healthcare personnel, Empact created a digital solution to help patients suffering from PTSD. The app serves as a helpline that is always close to these patients, even when they are not at the clinic.
The app can be used independently or as a supplement to conversational processing.
PTSD Hjælp contains information about PTSD: What is PTSD? Who gets PTSD? How to recover? Where to get professional help.
The application enables testing of PTSD symptoms and sleep quality — both for assessment of severity and ongoing change
The app also contains soothing tools to deal with PTSD symptoms, with a particular focus on sleep disorders.
Prevent, Identify and Improve Symptoms
The app PTSD Hjælp (PTSD Help) works to aid in relapse prevention. It guides patients by identifying PTSD and sleep disorders, offering breathing techniques, relaxing images, tasks that will help improve their mood, exercises, and a soothing voice to enable a user to fall asleep.
The app also works as a supplement to psychotherapeutic treatment while the patient is under the care of a certified specialist. It comes with direct access and contact information for local psychiatric hospitals.
Denmark's largest institution for psychotherapy
Treating 50.000 children and adults with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression and PTSD.

Os i Coop: The employee engagement app that connects 40.000 employees
Empact and Coop, one of Denmark's leading consumer goods retailers, teamed up to deliver Os i Coop, an employee engagement app to strengthen the organization's communication and core activities.
Sikorsky: Digital Era Hassle-Free Operations for FSR's
Crafted through a dynamic five-year collaboration between Empact and Sikorsky, this modern mobile digital workplace streamlines communication, ensures employee safety, and optimizes asset management for FSR's globally, shortening the gap between problem discovery and resolution.
Elis BAS: the internal app that automates the process for sales personnel
Together with Elis, Empact developed Elis BAS, a tablet solution for sales staff on the go meeting clients. Elis BAS automates orders and contract processes and reduces the risk of costly human errors.